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NEV Invention The U-Sound Won International Awards

(WEM Frankfurt 09/18) :  

The WAN IFRA Germany just announced winners of the Print Innovation 2018 Categories to receive Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards in Berlin on October 9.

One of the winning Business Innovation categories entitled WASPADA U-IMAGING Print Innovation-The Invention Master Piece of Contemporary Neo Progressive Jazz Composer Erucakra Mahameru whom also known as the CEO of legendary Newspaper Press Publishing  Company WASPADA .

The same exact method of U-SOUND was used to manufacture the previous  Live Under The Sun (WEM/NCB) NEV-CD Neo Progressive Jazz Album Production in 2012.

Erucakra Mahameru Live in Moscow : The "Jazzapin" Collaboration

(WEM Moscow 08/04) :  


"Bravo..Bravo..Bravo", said the lady MC at the Hermitage Garden Evening Live Venue 08/04.-The most collaborative performance of Erucakra and his Sumatera Ethnic can be called as Jazzapin. At least that's how we put it when we heard the sound of Neo Progressive Jazz sneeked into the fast and hard rockin attack of the Indonesian Zapin Traditional Percussion. The Moscow audience stunningly and passionately listened to the thundering blend of the Jazzapin.

It's not just to chromatically sing over the tone of the Zapin but to finally understood the meanng of the story behind the rhyme. That's the true essence of such amazing Collaboration.

The theatrical contemporary Medan Multiculture dance came later to give an easy period to define the overal Jazzapin frame of performance.

HARMAN Soundcraft Live Engineer for

C Man uses NEV-CD HTX Holographic Surround Performance

(WEM Medan 11/08) :

First tested in the City Hall Ballroom, NEV-CD with Holographic System directly from the Live Under The Sun (WEM/NCB) Sound Recording Assets proved its centered sound innovative Holographic Surround using conventional PA System with HARMAN Soundcraft Channel Console.

The HARMAN Soundcraft Live Engineer for the City Hall-WEM Evening Gala Jazz And Fine Arts YOAM (Medan Cancer Kids Foundation) Fund Raising Event Mr. Karnain approved that the LiveMix Package been produced directly from the NEV-CD HTX Holographic System Surround. 

In addition, Mr. Karnain and his HARMAN Soundcraft Live Engineering team claimed that the Erucakra Mahameru & C Man Live Under The Sun NEV-CD Album is considered  to have Audiophile Values and beneficial for real time Live Sound Performance Engineering And Production as what Erucakra Mahameru (The Main Inventor For NEV-SR And HTX Holographic Surround Technology) explained to him about the role of Advanced Velocity Concept in Synthesis and Sound Design  he developed at Berklee College Of Music in Boston USA in early 1994.

C Man And The Miles Davis Tribute 1

(WEM NewYork 07/22) :

C Man and the Miles Davis Tribute 1 have featured Miles Percussionist Steve Thornton (Mles Davis You're Under Arrest Album-1985) at the 4th North Sumatra Jazz Festival 2014 1st International Edition Medan City. Steve

has discussed this project even further with the NSJF Chairman and Organizer Erucakra Mahameru to be doing a session recording for the new Miles Davis Album in New York City. Steve added that this particular project will be involving big names like Vince Wilburn (Miles' Nephew), Marcus MIller, Kenny Garrett and some of AfroCuban Musicians endorsed by the Martin Cohen Studio in NewYork City.

Quiet Rain For Jon Anderson

(WEM Los Angeles 10/22) :

C Man's Quiet Rain Theatrical Performance has gained great reputation by the Government of North Sumatra and Medan City Mayor throughout the succesful spectacular performance at the North Sumatra Jazz Festival 2013 .

The Quiet Rain then continues to become a Theatrical Project that will involve the World NeoJazzProgressive Production of the musical artworks of Jon Anderson (YES).

NEV Track on The NFL Top Page

(WEM SanFrancisco 07/26) :


C Man's "Balap Liar" (The Wild Race) Track on NEV-PLAYER is now found and will be published soon on Jerry Rice Top NFL 49ers Page designed by Erucakra Mahameru licensed and authorized by the WEM U.S. fully supported by WiX.

Jerry Rice is the well known NFL football legend of the San Francisco 49ers challenged the WEM Official Jerry's TV Website new US$ 10,000 HTML-5 design supported by WiX. 

Everyone soon can stream out the sound directly from the NEV-PLAYER using the incredible NEV-MP3 supported by WEM U.S. Technology Division/WiX.


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